Thursday, March 22, 2007

Professional Photos

Here is the link to the pictures we took at the photography studio on Tuesday.

There are various packages we can get, and we are a member of the Photo Club, so we get discounts.

We know we are going to get the "Proof Set" (all the pictures in 3x5 format) and probably a couple of other sets for wall pictures for ourselves and the grandparents. if you want to have a set for yourself, let us know, and we'll add it to the order. Each set is 1 image, with various sizes. If you want a specific image, let us know which one.

Also, we will be doing pictures at least 4 times a year for the next couple of years, so even though they are really cute now, leave wall space for the next set!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A long time coming

Yes, I know it's been a long time since my last post other than pictures, but really, not a lot goes on besides feedings, getting babies to sleep and changing diapers. However, there are a few developments

  • Reece had his first real laugh on Saturday night. He laughed so loud he scared himself into tears. Lisa and I were both just sitting in the living room, she was feeding both the twins, and Reece let loose with a one second giggle. It was amazing and really funny
  • We took the babies to a professional photographer today, and we should be able to see the proofs online later tonight. We'll let folks know how to get your copies once we know. Both babies were very well behaved, and Reece is quite the camera ham, as he was posing up a storm!
  • I took a Tuesday - Friday off work this week as we are now on our own, and we needed to figure this parenting thing out. We also had appointments on 3 days this week, so it didn't make sense for me to drive back and forth a lot. It's nice to be here with the kids, and it doesn't take long to understand just how much work being with the kids 7x24 is.
  • Lorelai is developing some bad habits. She won't take a bottle anymore, and won't sleep alone. I'm working on problem #1, usually in the middle of the night, but we'll hold off solving problem #2 until #1 is completely resolved, or when she starts stealing the covers. She also can't be put down during the day for more than 10 minutes without crying, so that doesn't leave much personal time for either of us.

I'll try to write more later. Lorelai is strapped to my chest in the Baby Bjorn, and just woke up. Gotta go change a diaper and feed a baby!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Sharing a sleeve

Lorelai has discovered that Reece likes to save food on his sleeves

Even more photos

We're getting a little more time to take pictures these days, so here are few more

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sunday, March 04, 2007

A corny video

Let's face it folks. Babies a month old, eat, sleep, cry and poop. So if you want an entertaining video, you're gonna have to be a little bit (or a lot) corny.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Changing of the guard

There haven't been a lot of updates to the blog recently, because, well, not a lot goes on with the babies these days, besides sleeping eating and pooping. Their wakeful periods are more wakeful, and they are beginning to interact a bit with us, and each other if we put them close together on the floor.

Reece is very sensitive to loud or high pitched noises. We were watching the Oscars on Sunday night, and Beyonce and Jennifer Hudson were performing the songs from 'DreamGirls'. The TV wasn't even that loud, but he started to cry and put his hands over his ears. Then he calmed down, and, when I pulled his hands down, he was fine until they hit the next high note, then the hands went back to his ears. Sorry, Beyonce, he may not be a fan.

We are taking pictures, but we're having problems with our camera not downloading to the PC. It worked for a while, but now we get errors with the device not being recognized. We've had this camera for a couple of years, and had this problem on and off, then it will start working again. I'll mess around with it this weekend and see if I can get it to work.

Lisa's mother, Marcia, headed back to Ephrata today, braving a snowy Snoqualmie pass in an attempt to go back to work. We made sure she had lots of food, water, blankets, and nice bottle of Chianti should things turn really desperate (Silence of the Mountain Goats maybe?).

Lisa's sister, Lori, arrived in town on Tuesday night, fresh off a plane from Bosnia, via Scotland and Newark. She's on Bosnian time right now, which makes her the ideal person to handle the 2:00 AM to 4:00 AM baby holding.

As for me, I'm at work right now, trying to get ready for the change to daylight saving time, which occurs a month earlier this year. You'd think we'd be ready months ago for this, but we'll just squeeze it in under the wire. I've heard that some companies are in even worse shape, so March 11 should be interesting.

I'm scheduled to take a week off work from March 19-23 to get some more quality baby time and to catch up on projects around the house. I'm looking forward to it, as it is really hard to leave those kids every morning. I'm pretty attached to them, and I can't wait to get home every night and change a diaper or two (three in Reece's case)