Monday, August 02, 2010


Hi All,

I can't promise I'll write much, but I'll try to be better with the pictures.  I finally downloaded everything off my iPhone so here are some of the more recent photos.   I'll get some videos up when (or if) I figure out why the videos off my phone imported upside down or sideways.  -- Lisa

The blanket messes with the cool, kid.

Father's day at the beach.

Parked by Daddy's mower.

Fun in the hammock at Grandma and Papa's.

Staying cool, but looks like trouble...

...cooled off with help from Brother.

Sunday, August 01, 2010


I’ve been blogging here at Cranium Outpost since November 2006.  A lot has changed in 3.5 years.  I went from this blog being mainly about my family, to a lot of stuff about my writing and a little about my family.

The good news is that for those of you who have come here to read about my family, you will now be less bored by my writing related posts.  They’re moving over to in an attempt to draw move visitors to my writing related web site, and to ‘consolidate my brand’.  Yes, I am now referring to myself as a brand.  I am really focusing on my marketing platform this year, developing a marketing strategy, and trying to gain both blog and twitter followers in the anticipation of selling my book, hopefully in 2011.

The bad news is that I now have another blog to maintain, and it is entirely likely that Cranium Outpost will be relegated to 2nd or even 3rd place behind that aforementioned writing blog, and DevScape, my technical blog, which I try to keep up to keep my employers happy and my non-writing career progressing.

For me, the change is bittersweet.  I hate stopping doing something that I love to do.  But I also know my blogging time is limited, and it is very important for a blog to be consistent in focus. 

So my hope is that people who want to know everything that is going on with me will be willing to check out two blogs.  For those who only care about my personal life and not my writing, I’ll try to update this when things are happening.  Maybe I can get Lisa to do some guest blogging.   For those of you who just want to read about my writing, check out  I’ll keep that as current as I can, and hopefully you can be part of the beginning of a beautiful new thing.